Horseman's Scheme

I'm listening to kid fresinos album. It's got depth, and even the more colorful tracks aren't overdone.
The skits break up the pace good and the featured appearances compliment the solo tracks. The strengths and weaknesses
of being a human being can be felt through the sound. Much respect to the way he approaches music. Music is wonderful.
Reviewed by. Yodel from Swanky Swipe
KID FRESINOのアルバムを聞いている。空間があって音色の多い曲もうるさくないし良い。
Reviewed by. Yodel from Swanky Swipe
[Track List]
01. Scheme In' (prod. jjj)
02. Champion (prod. jjj)
03. U Not Me / feat. Febb (prod. Febb)
04. Conq City (prod. jjj)
05. Announcing The Resurge / feat. ISSUGI (prod. jjj)
06. New Clear Weapon (prod. Budamunk)
07. skit (prod. Kid Fresino)
08. The Coolest / feat. jjj (prod. jjj)
09. Horseman's Scheme (prod. jjj)
10. Just Another (prod. 16FLIP)
11. C.O.M / feat. 仙人掌 (prod. jjj)
12. Cloud 9 (prod. Kid Fresino)
13. thx (prod. jjj)
14. Story (prod. jjj)
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